Let’s not delve into various philosophies advising for or against hanging mirrors in the bedroom. It’s a personal choice. From a psychological comfort standpoint, placing mirrors opposite the bed is not advisable. Aesthetically speaking, a mirror on the wall is undoubtedly a beautiful touch, especially if implemented like in Natalia Nelyubina’s project. The mirror is framed in slim metal, and the frame consists of the same mirror pieces. A beautiful panel opposite the bed, reflected in this mirror, changes the picture from different angles. It looks luxurious!

Wooden Panels
Wood is relevant in any style, it all comes down to its execution. In this project by the Bilbao studio—a flat in a Stalin-era building—a modern interior with classical notes was created, hence the grooved panels look great. They set the rhythm of the space, attract attention, while not being overly bright or garish, which would not be suitable not just in the chosen style, but in a bedroom in general.

One of the most famous ways to design an accent wall is to cover it with wallpaper. Yet, its popularity does not make it any less effective. In this project, the apartment selected by Nadezhda Yashchenko features a floral pattern for the bedroom. The owner wanted a feminine and dressy interior, and these wallpapers fully meet that need. When creating an accent wall, it’s important to maintain balance. Here, for example, the other walls are of a neutral beige color. The bed also lacks bright details. Thus, there are no elements that clash with the wallpaper pattern.

Wallpaper and Moldings
It’s customary to pair moldings with paint, but designers experiment. For example, in this project by the Anfedo studio. The upper part of the wall above the bed is covered with wallpaper featuring a floral pattern. The wallpaper’s palette matches the paint used on the lower part of the walls and the other walls in the room. Moldings are also applied across all wall surfaces, including the wallpaper. Thus, the designer maintained the intended rhythm, making the wallpaper look more interesting.

Moldings and Decor
Moldings are indeed widely used by designers, especially today. They’re a great way to break up the monotony of walls, now not just in classical or modern classical styles. For instance, as in the bedroom in this project designed by Ksenia Lysenko for her family. The bedroom turned out very warm, primarily due to the chosen color, which was applied not just to the walls but also to the ceiling. At the head of the bed, a design made of moldings forms an improvised frame, at the center of which is wall decor. Textiles add an atmosphere of Eastern style, although the apartment has few references to this direction.

Wall decor—paintings, posters, or, as in this project by Gulnara Syrova, vintage prints
—is another way to decorate the wall above the bed. The style and type of decor will depend on the interior style. This bedroom has a relaxed atmosphere, close to classical but gentle, not pompous. The windows feature curtains with a floral pattern, and the natural theme continues above the bed, precisely in the form of prints.

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