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Expert Tips on Choosing Your Interior Design Style

The interior speaks volumes about a person. You can tell who lives in an apartment based on the atmosphere: whether they are a conservative or a perpetual rebel. Alice Walker shares the stages of creating a personalized interior design.

Expert shares insights on creating your own interior design.

Home is a place where you want to return after a tiring workday. For some, it’s more comfortable to come home to a brightly lit apartment, while others prefer subdued lighting. Conservatives prefer to live in a familiar atmosphere, while lovers of bold solutions often experiment with their apartment’s design.

Floor Plan

Everyone organizes their living space according to their own tastes. For clients, the most challenging part is making a decision. It usually depends on a person’s character, habits, and lifestyle.

Conservatives prefer apartments with traditional floor plans, where all living spaces are divided into separate rooms. They are unlikely to want to combine the kitchen and living room, or the toilet and bathroom. This will result in a very strict and concise design.

Others prefer an open floor plan or even an interior with rounded walls – these people are not afraid to experiment and love unconventional solutions.

Interior Style

In my opinion, deciding on a style is the most challenging part. A couple with different tastes will likely find it extremely difficult to reach a compromise in interior design decisions – they need to come to a common opinion. But what if one is conservative and the other is a fan of bright minimalism? Try betting on eclecticism – this solution will appeal to everyone.

Finishing Materials

Be mindful of your choice of ceramic coverings. While you can always cover painted walls with a new layer of paint or re-hang wallpaper, it’s not as simple with tiles. Remember that interior trends change, but tiles remain.

Color also plays a role in the final outcome. A bathroom with bright colors is suitable for early risers – juicy shades help wake you up. Subdued lighting and muted tones are a great option for night owls. This atmosphere helps you relax before bed.

Color Palette

Color can say a lot about your character. Calm and reserved individuals prefer brown tones, while experimenters prefer orange. If you like black, it’s worth considering your inner state. Yellow is suitable for direct people, while white is suitable for self-sufficient individuals.

The easiest solution for a mixed style is to create a monochromatic interior and set the mood with colorful details: curtains, pillows, various decor.


If you were initially afraid of bright colors in your interior design, textiles are a way to add colorful accents. Visit furniture centers and see what color solutions designers offer. Don’t be afraid to experiment, as textiles are always easy to change.

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