
6 Unusual Ideas from Designer Bathrooms You Won’t Believe

Bathrooms are most often decorated in a neutral modern style or with a Scandinavian influence. Ethnic stylizations are rare, and this bathroom is a great example of how that can work too. The designer chose textured tiles with an eastern pattern for the wet area and balanced it with stone monochromatic finishing of the other walls to avoid overwhelming the space. They selected fixtures and a shower in aged gold design, and a wooden vanity under the sink with traditional eastern carvings on the doors. Another eastern accessory is the voluminous carved frame for the mirror, which enhances the overall atmosphere.

Striped Ceiling

Almost every bathroom has a white ceiling: it is believed that any other finish in such a small room will visually oppress. But in this bathroom, the designer took a bold step and made the ceiling striped. The even light-gray and white lines do not narrow the space but, on the contrary, become a discreet highlight in the calm interior, making it more original and memorable.

Wall-to-Wall Storage System

The bathroom is rarely seriously considered as a room that can accommodate a bulky storage system. However, designers know that even such a small area should be used to the maximum. Thus, in this project, there is a ceiling-high cabinet that occupies the entire wall. The lower part incorporates a hidden toilet flush system, and the upper part has enough sections for storing towels, bath accessories, cosmetics, and cleaning products. Such a storage system allows freeing up the sink and other horizontal surfaces from chaotically placed jars and achieving a stylish interior without visual noise.

Combination of Three Types of Tiles

In the bathroom, the attempt is usually to use one or at most two types of tiles to avoid overwhelming the space. But sometimes designers break this rule. For example, here we see three completely different types of the same material. Most of the walls are covered with vertical white rectangles. Such lines visually lift the

ceiling and look unusual. A narrow strip behind the sink is decorated with square dark-gray tiles: they add dynamics to the interior. The floors are laid with accent tri-color ceramics, which echoes the wall decoration and adds variety.

Multi-Level Ceiling

This apartment is in a historic building, and here is an unusual multi-level structure of the ceiling in the bathroom. The designer decided to highlight this unconventional detail by decorating the transition between the two levels with a fresco border. In the center, they hung an impressive accent chandelier, which corresponds with the romantic classical style of the entire bathroom. It turned out original and yet elegant.

Asymmetrical Mirror

Even the smallest detail can make the bathroom interior memorable. In this project, it became an unusual mirror: it appears to be cut specifically to fit snugly against the wall. It resulted in an original and eye-catching feature that will not become tiresome after a few years.

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